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A couple of weeks from now in beautiful Pittsburgh, PA (yes I mean that... have you been lately?) healthcare HR leaders from around the country will gather to discuss topics like compensation, labor law, benefits communication, recruiting and depression in the workplace (yes, sadly it exists).

 My question though is whether HR leaders will be paying attention to their CEO and the need to be on the lookout for innovation. According to Becker's Annual CEO Survey sustainable cost control and innovative approaches to expense reduction top the list of priorities for healthcare executives.

With the Trump Administration taking dead aim at the ACA and the fall election likely to swing the House and possibly the Senate, the ACA will be a political football used to drum up the base in both parties in the run up to the 2020 election. So it's no surprise that cost control has surpassed revenue growth for top CEO's. We all tighten our belts fiscally when things are uncertain financially (except for my home state of Illinois which seems oblivious to the laws of economics).

Labor costs are the #1 line item for every health system in the country. For that reason, this year's exhibitor hall will be chock full of companies from startups to behemoths that are offering innovative ways to reduce costs. For the HR leaders that are listening to their CEO, it will be the place to be (the hotel bar is a close second).

Are you attending ASHHRA? If so I encourage you to take this opportunity to meet with exhibitors, that pay a lot of money to be there (ahem...basically fund the whole thing) and are listening to your CEO.

Personally, I would like to meet up with you to tell you about my company's innovative ways we can save you money. Email me at jniles@hwlmsp.com or stop by our booth #637.
Safe travels and see you in Pittsburgh!

September 04, 2018/By Jeff Niles
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Author: Jeff Niles

Jeff is the Chief Revenue Officer for HWL and has been in healthcare contingent workforce management for more than 20 years. Jeff has led sales, implementation, and client services to some of the largest and most influential healthcare providers with technology and solutions installed in over 3,000 hospitals in 50 states and the UK. Jeff is inspired to work with transformational leaders that have a vision to achieve the highest levels of efficiency, transparency, compliance, quality and cost savings. Contact Jeff at jniles@hwlworks.com.
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