xInternal Agency Development
Healthcare Workforce Logistics can help you build and manage your own internal agency to lower costs and improve the experience of healthcare workers.

HWL Insights

The Final Frontier: How Internal Gig Pools Are Revolutionizing Healthcare Staffing

The Final Frontier: How Internal Gig Pools Are Revolutionizing Healthcare Staffing

May 30, 2024/By Tamara Miller

The healthcare industry stands at a pivotal moment in its evolution, particularly in how it approaches staffing. Traditional models, while stable, often lack the flexibility to meet the dynamic demands of modern healthcare environments. Enter the concept of internal gig pools—a revolutionary staffing model that combines the adaptability of gig work with the structure of traditional employment. This model is transforming healthcare staffing, presenting a future where adaptability, efficiency, and employee satisfaction converge. 

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Adapting to the Gig Economy: Benefits for Healthcare Staffing Strategies

Adapting to the Gig Economy: Benefits for Healthcare Staffing Strategies

May 16, 2024/By Tamara Miller

The advent of the gig economy has revolutionized the way organizations think about work, offering flexibility and autonomy that traditional employment often lacks. This shift has permeated various industries, with healthcare being no exception. The unique demands and stresses inherent in healthcare make the sector ripe for the benefits the gig economy can offer. Adapting gig economy principles to healthcare staffing strategies presents a forward-thinking approach to addressing some of the most persistent challenges in healthcare delivery and workforce management.

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